Queen Elizabeth
Introduced 1954
Queen Elizabeth is a large-flowered rose. In the United States it was placed in the “grandiflora” class. Lovely medium-pink blooms cover the large bush with repeated flushes of bloom. Queen Elizabeth was hybridized by Dr. W.E. Lammerts of the United States of America and introduced in 1954.

Fragrant Cloud
TANellis – syn. Duftwolke, Nuage Parfume
Introduced 1963
Fragrant Cloud is a large-flowered/Hybrid Tea rose with an incredibly powerful perfume. It’s orange-red blooms are slightly flushed with a strange, lavender-grey tint that mutes the vibrant color. This color is not found in any other rose. Fragrant Cloud was hybridized by M. Tantau of Germany and introduced in 1963.

KORbin – syn. Schneewittchen, Fee des Neiges
Introduced 1958
Iceberg is a moderate-sized, cluster-flowered/Floribunda rose. It is very floriferous, displaying large masses of white blooms throughout the season. Its tough leaves help it to resist many diseases. Iceberg was hybridized by Reimer Kordes of Germany and introduced in 1958.

Double Delight
Introduced 1977
Double Delight is a large-flowered/Hybrid Tea red-blend with a delightful fragrance … thus, a true “double” delight. The white rose petals at the heart of the rose are surrounded by red. The red color that blushes the petals varies based on the weather in your area. As a result, no two blooms are ever alike. Double Delight was hybridized by Herbert Swim of the United States of America and introduced in 1977.

Just Joey
Introduced 1972
Just Joey is an extremely popular large-flowered/Hybrid Tea rose. It has luscious apricot-colored petals with wavy edges. The open bloom is large and dramatic and the fragrance is rich and fruity. Just Joey was hybridized by Roger Pawsey of Cants of Colchester of England and introduced in 1972.

MEIdomonac – syn. Bonica 82
Introduced 1982
Bonica 82 is a very floriferous Shrub rose. The abundant flowers are medium pink at the centre and lighter pink at the edges. The foliage is small, dark and semi-glossy, and the plant has a bushy growth habit. Bonica 82 was hybridized by Meilland of France and introduced in 1982. The parentage of Bonica 82 is (Rosa Sempervirons x Marthe Caron) x Picasso.

Pierrre de Ronsard
MEIviolin – syn. Eden, Eden Climber, Eden Rose 88, Grimpant de Pierre de Ronsard
Introduced 1987
Pierrre de Ronsard is a Large Flowered Climber hybridized by Marie-Louise Meilland of France and introduced in 1987. The very double, old-rose type blooms are a pink blend and have a moderate fragrance. The parentage of Pierre de Ronsard is [(Danse des Sylphes x Handel) x Pink Wonder Climbing].

DICjana – syn. Peaudouce
Introduced 1983
Elina is a light yellow Large Flowered/Hybrid Tea, hybridized by Patrick Dickson of Northern Ireland and introduced in 1983. The high centered, slightly fragrant blooms are borne on a tall bush with dense, glossy foliage. The parentage of Elina is Nana Mouskouri x Lolita.

Graham Thomas
Introduced 1983
Graham Thomas is a very floriferous Shrub rose hybridized by David Austin of England and introduced in 1983. The deep yellow blooms are large, with old-fashioned form and a strong tea fragrance. The parentage of Graham Thomas is [Charles Austin x (Iceberg x seedling)].

Sally Holmes
Introduced 1976
Sally Holmes is a very floriferous Shrub rose (Hybrid Musk). The The single, cream blooms have yellow stamens and come in large clusters. The bush is vigorous, has very few thorns and will tolerate some shade. Sally Holmes was hybridized in 1976 by Robert A. Holmes, an amateur hybridizer in the United Kingdom, and it was introduced by Fryer’s Roses. The parentage of Sally Holmes is (Ballerina x Ivory Fashion).

Introduced 1957
Cocktail (MEImick) is a Climber in the south and a Shrub in the north. The small to medium, 5 petal blooms are bright red with a yellow centre and stamens and have a spicy fragrance. The amount of bloom is exceptional and the foliage is glossy and disease free. Cocktail was hybridized by Francis Meilland of France and introduced in 1957. The parentage of Cocktail is (Independence x Orange Triumph) x Phyllis Bide.

Knock Out
Introduced 2000
Knock Out (RADrazz) blooms every 5-6 weeks, from spring to frost, creating a stunning show of beautiful flowers! They can fit into any landscape in most climates. Plant them individually as a focal point, among other shrubs, or in large groups to create a colorful hedge. The Knock Out® roses are the most disease resistant roses on the market making them easy to grow. All of the Knock Out® Roses are self-cleaning so there is no need to deadhead. Knock Out was hybridized by William Radler of the USA and introduced in 2000. The parentage of Knock Out is RAD85-139.1 × RAD84-196.8

Gruss an Teplitz
syn. Virginia R. Coxe, Salut a Teplitz
Introduced 1867
Usually classified as a Bourbon (Old Garden Rose) but is a mixture of Bourbon, China and Tea. It was hybridized in 1897 by Rudolph Geschwind of Slovakia (then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.) Its red flowers are loosely double and fragrant.

Rosa chinensis mutabilis
syn. Chamois , Rosa chinensis f. mutabilis Rehder, mutabilis, Rosa mutabilis Correvon synonym, Rosa X odorata ‘Mutabilis’, Tipo Ideale ‘Mutabilis’ was found ca. 1894 by the Swiss botanist Henri Correvon (August 15, 1894 Yverdon – November 5, 1939 Herisau) growing in the parks of the island of Isola Bella, one of the Borromean Islands in the Lago Maggiore, on the estate of the Gilberto Borromeo, Prince of Angera (May 18, 1859 Torino – February 28, 1941 Milano). The prince is said to have given the rose to Correvon as a gift, who named it ‘Rosa mutabilis’ and described it 1934. Its origins is unknown, but it was apparently already in commerce in the region of Lago Maggiore and Lago di Como.

Rosa banksiae lutea
Introduced 1824
syn. Banksian Yellow, Jaune (banksiae), Lady Banks Yellow, Lutea (banksiae), R. Banksia lutea flore pleno, Rosa banksiae f. lutea Rehder, Rosa banksiae flava,R. banksiae flavescens,Rosa banksiae luteo-plena, Rosa banksiana C.Abel synonym, Rosier de Banks à fleurs jaunes, The Banksian Rose, Yellow (banksiae), Yellow Banksia, Yellow Banksian, Yellow Lady Banks’ Rose Wild climbing rose… dainty clusters of small-petalled flowers in early summer… it needs a site where frost cannot affect it. It is named for the wife of the eminent botanist and explorer Sir Joseph Banks (1742-1820), and was brought from its native China toLondon in 1824.